I wouldn’t even worry too much about exploring places that look dangerous: there’s no penalty for dying (just know that chances are, groups of enemies will be able to mess you up at starting levels). So why not let yourself explore however you see fit? You can always return to areas of interest if you want. Although there are things can be considered quests, there’s no specific timeframe to complete any of them. There’s nothing specific you need to do in Cube World. That’s a useful thing to have considering the game doesn’t have fast-travel. Characters are persistent across worlds, which means that regardless of where you’re at in the “adventuring” seed, you can just boot up the “home” seed and resupply. This way, you can use one seed for adventuring, and the other to have a character perpetually in town.

The number you pick doesn’t matter ( although if you disagree, you should know there are people cataloging what different seeds contain), but make sure to make a duplicate world with the same seed number. To do this, you have to pick a “seed” - which is just a number that makes the world. When you start out, Cube World asks you to create the playground in which your adventures will take place. Create at least two worlds with the same seed What sounds best? You should go with that. You can make multiple characters if you want.īut if you’re curious, the classes available are warrior (close-range combat class that can use great weapons, one handed weapons, shields, heavy armour), ranger (long-to-mid-range combat that uses bows, crossbows and boomerangs), rogue (high damage, low health melee class that is highly mobile, can use stealth, and use daggers, longswords and fist weapons) and mages (magic users that can use wands, staves and bracelets). What will affect your game is your class - but still, don’t feel you need to go one class over the other. Wanna be a bunch of bones? Play as an undead!

Wanna be a reptar-like Lizardman? Go for it. Race doesn’t matter in this game it’s all cosmetic.